(that's the name of the paint color!)
Well, we have finally finished painting and gotten Hayden's room all put back together. We are in love with the wall color. I think Hayden may have been happier with princess pink or prissy purple, but she likes it!
Grandma and Pap got Hayden a new comforter and sheets for her upcoming birthday. I have them put away so that she can open them at her party, but I just can't wait. There are little cupcakes all over them-perfect!! Notice that the bed rials are gone! She hasn't fallen out yet.
Jeremy built the shelf thing above the window so that we had a place for the snow domes. They are actually mine, I collected them as a child. Now, Hayden gets to have them. He also built the little steps going up to Hayden's bed. What a handy guy I married! Notice the do better mat near the window. Gotta have one of those if you have a toddler around!
Hayden is having school pictures taken at school today. So, I got her dressed in one of her prettiest dresses and even blew her hair dry! What a treat. She even wanted some lip gloss for this picture.
What a big girl, I can't believe that she's almost three year old!
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