September 14, 2009

Discover Point Church's 4th Anniversary Celebration!

After church yesterday everyone went and got some lunch and brought it back to "Discover Point Park" for a celebration. We all ate under the pavilion together then the kids played on the playground and the adults had a staff verses volunteers football game. Here is Layner having fun on the swings with her sister.
Miss Priss on the swings. Lisa and Hannah watched the girls while Jerm and I played football. Thanks ladies!!
The volunteer team. I was really hoping that they would not be able to recruit a lady to play on their team so that I wouldn't have to play. And then I thought, well if they are able to recruit one I really hope it isn't Kenna....sure enough they got one and it WAS Kenna-the very fit competitive nutritionist that can walk on her hands just as well as she can walk on her feet!
Here is our staff team from left to right (top row: Brien, Jeff, Brad, Me, Jeremy bottom row: Philip, David). It was actually the staff and their spouses team, but no other lady was crazy enough to be on the team. I don't blame them-even though I did have much more fun than I thought I would.
Lisa was right there taking pictures and video of the game. She missed one of these huddles and tried to get all of us back together for a posed shot but the guys weren't hearin' it-it was game time not picture time! She did end up getting some pretty cool shots though.
Here's our mean face pose. It just cracks me up!
Jerm running in for a touchdown. I can't really remember what the score was, but I know that the staff won! I think it was 6 to 11 or something like that.
Here is Hannah (Brien's wife) with some of the kiddos-Layne, Ethan, Hayden, and Brady.
Hayden with the other twin, Connor. They are just in love! She also loves Ethan and Micah though....
The future Discover Point football team....
It was nice to have a day where we stop and take a look at all that God has done in the life of Discover Point. He has done so many wonderful things just in the short time that Jeremy and I have been there. He is an amazing God and our church has been so blessed by Him. I hope He enjoyed watching us celebrate the church and most importantly glorifying Him yesterday!

1 love notes:

Angela said...

I didn't even know the wives had the option to play! Not that it would have made a difference for way would you have caught me out there!