September 1, 2009

To Spec or Not To Spec?

Here is an everyday picture of myself without my glasses.
Here I am with my "driving glasses". My vision is almost perfect :) so I have been told to just wear my glasses while driving or watching a movie in the theater. I just ordered these new ones from Zenni Optical. If you are a glasses wearer you need to check out their site! The glasses start at $8!! I think these were about $20. So, what do you guys think? I am asking, so you can be honest!!
The Messy One vs the Neat One
Can you tell which is the messy one and which is the neat one? Now granted Layne IS only a year old, but she is a very messy girl. It's refreshing though because Hayden can be too organized and clean sometimes (just like her mother).
These are the crayons and coloring book that Mr. Jeff (from the church) gave Hayden on Sunday. She keeps talking about how Mr. Jeff gave her a present and she loves Mr. Jeff :)
Funny Stuff:
The other day I was getting Hayden dressed for school. I put a shirt on her that was a onsie (she doesn't wear those very often). When I put it on her and snapped the bottom she said, "Hey, this is so people cannot see my bum bum!"
Today when I picked Hayden up from school I asked her what she did. She gave me usual answer, "Played!". I asked her if she had music today and she said, "Yes, and we had insurmess!" This one took me a minute-I had no clue what she was trying to tell me. Finally it hit me-Instruments! So then I said, "What instrument did you play-the drums, maraca, triangle, xylophone, the tambourine maybe?!" I anxiously awaited her response......."Egg!". She shook an egg-works for her; she loved it!
She also told me that they sang a song. I asked her to sing it for me and she said, "It goes like this-B-O-B-O-Beeeee." I got that one pretty quick B-I-B-L-E!

1 love notes:

Jan said...

I think you are beautiful both ways. It will just take some getting used to the glasses Trista.
Love you,