February 27, 2010

Yeah for Daddy!

Daddy has been working hard in order to be state and nationally certified in order to be a loan officer-it's a new 2010 requirement. And.......Daddy has passed all of his exams with flying colors!! We came home with a special dinner and dessert last night in order to celebrate. Steak, baked potatoes, salad, and a small cookie cake that said "Congrad Daddy". She didn't want to write "Congratulations Daddy"because she said it wouldn't fit. So, I thought she said she would write "Congrats Daddy" but apparently she said "Congrad Daddy" because that's what she wrote. That doesn't even make sense!! Should have taken a picture and submitted it to Cake Wrecks!
So, this afternoon Layner was sitting on the counter and knocked the rest of the cookie cake onto the floor and it went crashing! What a mess...as you can see.

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