December 5, 2011

Baby Bump Week 7

I guess I didn't know how bad I really felt until I started to feel better! Jeremy has been saying to me for weeks now, "You never smile anymore, you haven't smiled for weeks now!" I didn't really know what he was talking about since I was still a happy person even though I didn't feel so great. I would wake up in the mornings and just want the day to be over so that I could crawl back in bed, fall asleep, and not feel nauseous anymore! Was it really effecting others though? I kind of thought that I was "hiding it" and dealing kind of well. But to be honest, I wasn't even able to walk into the kitchen to make dinner without feeling sick. Truth is, I couldn't even think about the dinner menu without feeling sick, so I didn't! With the other two pregnancies I just had to make sure that I had small meals throughout the day and I would be fine. Not this this one though. So, I put it out there on Facebook....what to do for morning sickness?!? I got a lot of advice, but I decided to start with the easiest suggestion-Ice Chips! I didn't think that it would work, but it did! I started trying it on Saturday and I feel 100% back to normal! It's amazing how great I feel. Now, I still go to bed around 8:30 each night but at least I feel "normal" again!! Amazing! 

1 love notes:

Jessica said...

could this be a boy?!

funny, my word verification says...sickil...appropriate for your post! glad you're feeling better!