September 15, 2009

Miss Fancy's Party is Right Around the Corner!!

Here is the invite that Uncle Johnny made for Hayden's Fancy Nancy Par-TEA. I blocked out the address, phone number, and email....only special recipients get access to that information! If you click on the invitation it will enlarge and you can see it's awesomeness! It's he amazing?! I know that I can be kind of detail oriented and be a "hard client" to work with. But, he just listens, most likely rolls his eyes, calls me crazy, and then brings my little mental projects and pictures to life! It's so special to me that he has a part in the girl's birthday parties. I know he doesn't think it's a big deal but he will understand it all one day....
Thanks Johnny-we love you!

4 love notes:

Jessica said...

SO CUTE! I just love it!

Uncle Johnny said...

Wow, It looks like you're already buttering me up for next years invites.

Cindy & Jennifer said...

Wow I can't believe Hayden will be 3 years old. Happy Birthday Hayden.

Cindy and Jennifer

Cindy & Jennifer said...

Amazing job Johnny!!