What Happened to Chenayi...
**This is taken from an email that Barry Robinson (a missionary in Africa) sent**
The thing is tragic in any sense of the word, but the way it happened makes it even more tragic. Chitungwisa is a separate city but has grown to join Harare. It is not like Harare in that it has no big downtown part, but is one big high density area like Sunningdale where Chitsere lives. They were living in a really nice small house. The electricity there, like everywhere else is erratic at best. They had a small generator to keep the fridge cold. They kept it in a small bathroom when it was not in use. The electricity went off two Saturdays ago a little after dark. Her brother went into the bathroom to fill the generator with petrol and to take it outside and start it. Of course it was dark in the bathroom. Chenai decided he needed some light to see as he filled the generator. I think you can guess what happened. She used a candle for the light. The gasoline exploded and the force blew the door shut with her and her brother inside. They both received extensive third degree burns. She lived for one week, but I think was unrecognizable. He is still in the hospital in critical condition.
**Please continue to pray for Chenayi's family and especially for her brother who is still fighting for his life.**
1 love notes:
Trista, I'm very sorry for the loss of your friends. What a devastating and unfortunate accident. You all are in my thoughts.
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