Beauty Bar!
Beauty masks, homemade lip balm (vasaline and Kool Aid!), flip flops, soap pedals, lufas, hand lotion, and homemade bath scrub!
The Dollar Tree was a life saver and money saver for this entire party!
I found this awesome font and downloaded it for all of the signs and stuff. So cute!
Gotta have your tissue paper pom poms!
All the girls left with a beauty mask cookie.
Made tons of cucumber cookies for everyone.
Each girl had a place setting like this: face towel, treat basket, mirror, mani pedi set, water bottle. Dollar Tree!
Hayden's cake. She wanted chocolate chip cake with cookie dough filling. I really don't know how it tasted since there was chocolate in it! Oh well.
Hayden the little spa queen!
The girls decorated their own flip flops with duct tape and flowers.
Nail Salon!
Decorate your own beauty mask
They all used their mirrors to apply their own face mask! Funny stuff.
Candice painted everyone's nails!
They got to soak their nails in warm soapy water. There were even glass beads in the water. The girls had no clue why there were in there. I just said it was to massage their fingers. I don't have a clue why the manicure places put those beads in the water either!
Reagan helped the girls decorate their beauty masks.
McKenzie and Stacy helped the girls with their flip flops.