Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cake II
So, last night Jeremy got an awesome call from his cousin, Brandon. Let me back up a little. Brandon works for UPS-he is the one that got Jerm the night job there. So, we have been grateful to him for that. Recently, Jerm has been talking to the higher ups about switching the the pre-load shift. It would be an early morning shift rather than the 11pm-3am shift he's currently working. We just weren't sure if it was going to happen because his bosses weren't making it sound good. Well, that's where Brandon comes in. Basically, he worked some magic and traded one of his guys from his shift in order to get Jerm moved to the early morning shift! Brandon's shift isn't either of the shifts involved so he really didn't have to get involved at all. He did it just to help Jerm out! So, I told Jerm to email Brandon and ask him what his favorite kind of cake was. That's where this second version of the peanut butter chocolate cake comes in! I like the other one I make, but I think it was a little too strong and rich. This one is a chocolate cake with peanut butter chips and iced in a peanut butter butter cream. Hope he likes it!! Thanks Brandon, you're the best!!
*I wanted to share a new little tip that I have discovered about finding a cake recipe. My new favorite method is to type in the kind of cake that I am looking for in a Google IMAGE search! Then tons of amazing pictures come up. Most of them are blogs or other websites that share the recipe to that cake! LOVE IT! That's how I got the recipe for this one.
Let The Celebration Begin!!
I realize that by revealing what I am about to reveal I am risking all of you thinking that I am crazy, but I am just so excited about Hayden's party that I had to share! So, I absolutely love birthdays. I love everything about them: the cake, the decorations, the friends and family, the joy, the games and crafts, and especially the anticipation leading up the the actual day! So, I decided last year, when I was getting ready for Hayden's party, to decorate a week early. I make most of the decorations for the parties and I hate that they are only up for a day. So, most of the decorations go up early! It's so great to see how excited Hayden gets about her birthday throughout the week. Another thing about me is that I don't like stress or stressful situations. So, I often do things well in advance so that I don't feel too stressed about things. Parties can be stressful things, but if you do the decorating a week early all that's left is the cleaning, baking, and cooking! Did you notice the blog background change!? It's the fancies Fancy Nancy like background that I could find!
Above are some of the kitchen decorations. Tissue paper flower balls and a banner and some accessories hanging on the wall.
Another flower ball light decoration and a Fancy Hayden banner. That was so simple-just scrapbook paper and card stock. I printed off the letters on the card stock, cut it out, glued it to the paper, cut that out with fancy scissors, hole punched them and put them on a ribbon! Thankfully, we don't want much TV anymore, so that won't be in the way for the next week!
More tissue paper flowers for the centerpieces on the little picnic tables for the tea party. The things in the pink cup are straws so that they can drink their fancy pink punch!
Plastic straws, fake flowers, and ribbon!
The vase is just a glass vase I got for $1. Covered it with scrapbook paper and card stock. Tied a ribbon around it, put the flower and butterflies in and that's it!
So, you may think that I am crazy, but I do it all for the girls. The excitement in my soon to be three year olds eyes when she see all of the little details is priceless and that's what makes it all worth it!
Now all we need is for all of our guests to RSVP!!
2 love notes:
I totally agree about the party stuff. I like to go all out for the kids. I think you've done a great job!!!!
This is great news!!! I'm so glad he will get to work mornings now!!!
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